Saturday 9 March 2013

Writing this blog has been both enjoyable and challenging

Day 95

Writing this blog has been both enjoyable and challenging and I have learnt a great deal of helpful information that I hope has been of benefit.The trouble is that over all the time I have been writing the blog I have only received a couple of comments one was from a daughter and the other from an old friend. there has been no one that I know of who has been following the blog and who might have benefited from the advice. I would love to know. Another disheartening thing is that I am still not getting any traffic from other web search engines other than Google even though I have taken the steps to get other is on board.I will see out one hundred days and review the situation then.

Friday 8 March 2013

Slowly getting better

Day 94

I am almost up to a hundred days with my experiment and although things have improved with my overall health the eczema is still present on my legs and feet and to a much more milder effect on my back and arms,. it is nothing like it was and that is a great relief I must say. What I am presently doing is to drink Rejuvelac the fermented wheat drink each day, eat open salad sandwich on sprouted grain bread that I buy from the local health food shop, Fundamental Foods in Lismore, some times have feta cheese or tofu with the salad as well, plus sauerkraut, Green I grow in my tiny garden and on my balcony and of course sprouts, Fruit salad with yogurt for breakfast. For a tasty snack I have the above mentioned bread with first maple syrup then cashew nut spread and sometimes a banana mashed on top it is delicious and good.. A few fish oil capsules and multi Vitim and mineral capsules. It may seem very boring to you but I now find that I miss the cooked meals hardly at all. I do occasionally eat out as well and when I cook at the soup kitchen.My increased social life is definitely beneficial to my wellbeing as well

Thursday 7 March 2013

Sprout chart

Day 92


SOAK (hours)

RINCE (times a day)

READY IN (days)

24 hours

Grain sprouts are ready when the roots is the lengh of the seed.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

How to sprout

Day 89


A wide-mouth jar, such as a mason jar.

cheese cloth or wire mesh to cover the mouth of the jar, and a rubber band or string to secure the mesh

The seeds or beans you wish to sprout. make sure the jar has enough room for the seeds to expand at least 8 times their present size..For example, 3 table spoons of alpha will fill a quart jar.


Put seeds in jar and cover with mesh or cheese cloth, secure with rubber band. Wash seed by rinsing several times. Then fill up jar halfway with luck warm water, preferably spring, water. See chart for exact soaking times. set jar in a dark warm cupboard or shelf.


After the seeds have been soaked , drain off the water; save for soup stock. Rinse sprouts with fresh water, pour off. Now let sprouts rest by tilting the jar upside down, at 45% angle, making sure that the mesh opening allows air in and isn’t completely covered by sprouts. a dish is useful for this.


Rinse and drain well 2 or 3times a day for 3 to 5 days. use lukewarm water. Be sure the sprouts are sufficiently and continually drained as to much water and too little air will lead to spoilage. Rinsing is basically making sure sprouts are kept moist. se chart for more exact timing.

That’s all there is to it. Alafia sprouts need to be set in the sun after 5 days so they can start to manufacture chlorophyll. Remember that the time it takes for sprouts to mature will vary—it depends on the temperature and humidity. Shorten soaking timed for hot, more humid weather, and rinse  the sprouts more frequently to keep them cool. Sprouts are most tender when young, and they refrigerate well. They will keep for several days.

Monday 4 March 2013

Chocolate good for the skin! could it be true?

Day 89

Recent studies concur that there is proven benefits in eating chocolate in recommended  doses and when the right coco content. Be aware that the chocolate you purchase has low sugar content and no milk or soybean, these ingredients detract from the benefits. dark chocolate is best and about 2or 3 ounces (55 t0 85 grams) per week is all you need to ensure the benefits

Coca contains flavonols  phytonuteients that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help in avoiding skin.damage from the suns UV rays. They increase the blood flow and fight free radicals that could result in sun spots.Other benefits for the skin when eating chocolate is smother, moist and less scaly and red skin when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

According to Joseph Mercola, OD, an osteopathic physician, Antioxidants Epicatechin and reveratrol  found naturally in chocolate are credited with delivering benefits to the heart, brain the nervous system and blood vessels, and even he says slowing the rate of aging. high antioxidant levels lead to greater cell repair as well as cell-damage prevention. Chocolate also contains copper, zinc, ion, magnesium all promote healthy cell growth.

How to sprout 

Almost any seed, grain or legume can be sprouted, although some are tastier than others. try them all! Seeds can be found in most natural food stores. be sure the the seeds have not been chemically treated. If they have been, the germination rate will drop. Broken and chipped seeds also will not sprout. One ounce of dry seeds equals about one cup of mature sprouts.

See tomorrows blog on Equipment and method..       

An introduction to seed sprouting

I went to the yoga class tonight and boy was it hard on the old body at the time, but i feel better for doing it. I think the weather might have something to do with how I feel, it is the wet season here at the moment on the North Coast of Australia and it has been raining now almost constantly since the new year. There have been floods but it has not been bad enough for the rivers to rise above the levee bank here in Lismore and flood the town. I do think that the weather is affecting my old body and sciatica.

I did mention way back at the beginning on how to sprout seeds for wheat grass using the method described by Dr Edmond Szekely this method is by Dr Ann Wigmore,.here is her introduction.

From the tiny seed comes a sprout which is bursting with life force that contains the necessary elements the body needs for normal growth and health. Since it is practically impossible to get organically grown fresh food in most places, this simple way to produce nourishment, which is superior to anything else cost-wise, is well worth learning

Sprouting can be great fun and a real adventure. It is a wise, health giving body that will pay for itself many times over. Sprouts will grow in any climate, require no soil or sunshine, and cause no waste in preparation. for five cents it is possible to raise enough mung bean sprouts for a most nutritious meal. sprouts are full of vitamins and quantities of protein their purest form, and are readily digested with help of the many enzymes they contain. sprouts are an excellent source of vitamins A, B-complex, C,D,E,,G, K, and even U, and the minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, potassium, sodium,and silicon. They are all in natural forms which the body can readily assimilate.

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Sunday 3 March 2013

My sore bum and legs is sciatica

Day 87

I had my first drink of Rejuvelac today and it did not taste that bad. Most of my stomach troubles have gone but i am still sore around my but and legs it must be sciatica as it get sore when i walk for some distance. I think that i will go on the net now and find out about sciatica. Yes it would seem that i am suffering from sciatica as i recognise the systems described,and one of the best things to do for a cure is swimming which is something i have thought of doing. walking to the pool would be good thing as well.