Friday, 1 March 2013

How to make Rejuvelac the Enzyme Drink

Day 86

Quoted from, Dr Ann Wigmore’s “Recipes for Longer life.”

Rejuvelac, the “water of the Institute” put into the body the enzymes cooked food doesn’t. Enzymes help friendly bacteria such as lactobacillus bifidus to grow. Lactobacillus in turn gives off lactic acid, a healthy, vitamin-producing environment. This leads to a clean colon where sludge dose not collect on colon walls, and where harmful, disease producing bacteria are unable to survive.

Rejuvelac is a pre-digested food—the proteins are broken down into amino acids, the carbohydrates into simple sugars (dextrines and saccharines). These nutrients are readily assimilated by your body with little expenditure of energy.

Rejuvelac is extremely rich in eight of the B vitamins, as well as Vitamin E and K.

Rejuvelac is also used as a “starter” in the production of other fermented dishes, particularly the protine (nut and seed) sauces, cheeses and loaves. Drink glasses of it between meals to flush the system out, and help cleanse the intestinal tract.

To make Rejuvelac

(for approximately 3 cups)

You will need : 1 cup wheat berries (organic soft white pastry wheat)

1 cup spring or filtered water

a container – a glass jar with a wide mouth

1. Wash seed by rinsing well (in tap water) and scrubbing seeds with hands to

remove any outer residue. Allow dead seeds to float to the top of container – skim

them off and discard – they will not promote fermentation.

  1. Soak the seeds the first time for 48 hours. (seed is becoming porous.) Place a

small, neat bundle of freshly cut wheatgrass ( I do not have any sprouting at the

moment and will try ordinary grass from the garden hope fully that will work just

as well) on top of water for further filtering. Remove each day before pouring

Rejuvelac off; replace.

  1. After 48 hours, pour off your rejuvelac. Use that for the day. It needn’t be

refrigerated, but will keep several days if it is.

4. Pour another 2 cups of spring water into the jar. Allow the water to ferment only

24 hours before pouring off.

5. Repeat 24 hour cycles for 3 days, so wheat berries are soaked a total of 3 times.

A dark quite place is ideal for setting your jars. The temperature of the fermenting environment is important. Warmer temperatures will decrease fermenting times. In summer, try soaking the seed 36 hours to start, and 16 hours instead of 24. Ferment the Rejuvelac to your taste – until tart, not sour.

You can experiment and use any hulled seed - try different verities of wheat, or millet, oats rice, barley, rye, buckwheat, etc. At all times use only organic seed. For uses of spent seed, see Essene bread, and loving bread recipes.

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