Monday, 4 March 2013

Chocolate good for the skin! could it be true?

Day 89

Recent studies concur that there is proven benefits in eating chocolate in recommended  doses and when the right coco content. Be aware that the chocolate you purchase has low sugar content and no milk or soybean, these ingredients detract from the benefits. dark chocolate is best and about 2or 3 ounces (55 t0 85 grams) per week is all you need to ensure the benefits

Coca contains flavonols  phytonuteients that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help in avoiding skin.damage from the suns UV rays. They increase the blood flow and fight free radicals that could result in sun spots.Other benefits for the skin when eating chocolate is smother, moist and less scaly and red skin when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

According to Joseph Mercola, OD, an osteopathic physician, Antioxidants Epicatechin and reveratrol  found naturally in chocolate are credited with delivering benefits to the heart, brain the nervous system and blood vessels, and even he says slowing the rate of aging. high antioxidant levels lead to greater cell repair as well as cell-damage prevention. Chocolate also contains copper, zinc, ion, magnesium all promote healthy cell growth.

How to sprout 

Almost any seed, grain or legume can be sprouted, although some are tastier than others. try them all! Seeds can be found in most natural food stores. be sure the the seeds have not been chemically treated. If they have been, the germination rate will drop. Broken and chipped seeds also will not sprout. One ounce of dry seeds equals about one cup of mature sprouts.

See tomorrows blog on Equipment and method..       

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