Friday 8 March 2013

Slowly getting better

Day 94

I am almost up to a hundred days with my experiment and although things have improved with my overall health the eczema is still present on my legs and feet and to a much more milder effect on my back and arms,. it is nothing like it was and that is a great relief I must say. What I am presently doing is to drink Rejuvelac the fermented wheat drink each day, eat open salad sandwich on sprouted grain bread that I buy from the local health food shop, Fundamental Foods in Lismore, some times have feta cheese or tofu with the salad as well, plus sauerkraut, Green I grow in my tiny garden and on my balcony and of course sprouts, Fruit salad with yogurt for breakfast. For a tasty snack I have the above mentioned bread with first maple syrup then cashew nut spread and sometimes a banana mashed on top it is delicious and good.. A few fish oil capsules and multi Vitim and mineral capsules. It may seem very boring to you but I now find that I miss the cooked meals hardly at all. I do occasionally eat out as well and when I cook at the soup kitchen.My increased social life is definitely beneficial to my wellbeing as well

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