Thursday, 28 February 2013

A quick recovery from eczema flare up

Day 84

Today I am much heartened as the recovery from the flare up was overnight and the itch has all but disappeared. Once more I am convinced that what I am doing is working and I will eventually rid myself of eczema for good. I did not have my usual dose of apple cider vinegar and only one fish oil casual this morning.


I worked this morning at the Winsome, the local soup kitchen, this is something I do for my own benefit and also doing my bit for society, It is very good for me to get out and work at something worthwhile and at the same time make friends. Above is a photo of the great old hotel that is now a safe refuge for homeless men.

tweed panarama as one copy 2

Complete diptych drawn in pastel, Tweed Valley

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Eczema flare up

Dad 83

I had a bad night trying to get to sleep with itches all over. I think the flare up started the evening before when I visited a friend to get a program for my blog. It is a digital 3D art gallery that the visitor can wander about looking at my paintings on the walls just like the real thing. I hope to have it up and running soon. He has lots of cats living in the house and I am not able to stay there very long as I know that I will be affected later. I have been taking quite a few Omega 3 fish oil capsules as well so I did a bit of research to find out how much salicylates, and amines they may contain, I had noticed when compiling the lists below that fish products can contain a high amount it would seem that just a few a day would be ok. I am back to normal now and am looking forward to a good night sleep.

Copy of rex tweed panarama copy 2

The right panel.of a diptych drawn in pastel  The Tweed Valley

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

A not very positive report on my eczema condition

Day 82

Well folks I would have thought that by this stage, day 82, in the experiment that I would be well and truly rid of my eczema. But as I did admit at the beginning I am not that good at self discipline, like this evening for instance I have been visiting some friends and have been drinking white wine which I know is a no no, and I need a good slap. After writing the list below, of food to avoid, I have been drinking Apple cider vinegar every morning which I now realize was not a good thing to do and I have also be snacking on a dried fruit and nut mix. Even though I do feel a lot better all over the rash on my feet is still bad and itchy.

So from now on I will try harder to stick to food that is on the list as being only beneficial and avoid those that are not, and hopefully I will have more positive things to report in the near future.

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The left panel.of a diptych drawn in pastel  The Tweed Valley

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Food Eczema sufferers should avoid.

Day 81

The list of food below contains Salicylates or Salicylates (S) and Amines (A) when both or more combined together in a meal a flare up could be expected


Alfalfa (S)

Artichoke (S)

Avocado (SA)

Broad Bean (SA)

Broccoli (SA)

English Spinach (SA)

Capsicum (pepper) (S)

Cauliflower (SA)

Chilli (S)

Chicory (S)

Corn (S)

Cucumber (S)

Eggplant (SA)

Gherkin (SA)

Mushroom (SA)

Olive (SA)

Onion (S)

Pumpkin (S)

Silverbeet (SA)

Tomato (SA)

Watercress (S)

Zucchini (S)


Apple (Jonathan, Granny Smith)

Apricot (S)

Avocado (SA)

Berries (S)

Blackcurrants (S)

Cherry (S)

Fig (SA0

Grapefruit (SA)

Guava (S)

Lemon (SA)

Lychee (S)

Mandarin (SA)

Nectarine (S)

Peach (S)

Plum (SA)

Pomegranate (S)

Prune (SA)

Raisin (SA)

Strawberry (S)

Sultana (SA)

Watermelon (S)

Meat, Fish, Eggs

Aged meat (A)

Anchovies (A)

Bacon (A)

Chicken liver (A)

Chicken skin (A)

Fish roe (A)

Fish (dried, pickled, Salted or smoked) (A)

Frozen fish (A)

Gravy (meat juice) (A)

Ham (A)

Meat pies (SA)

Offal (A)

Pork (A)

Processed meat (SA)

Salami (SA)

Salmon (A)

Sardines (A)

Sausages (SA)

Seasoned meats & chicken (SA)

Tuna (A)


Fruit flavoured drinks (S)

Fruit juice (all) (S)

Cocoa powder (A)

Cordial/fruit mixes (SA)

Cola drinks (SA)

Orange juice (SA)

Peppermint tea (S)

Soft drink (SA)

Tea (S)

Tomato juice (SA)

Beer (SA)

Cider (SA)

Brandy, Port, Rum and Sherry (SA)

Liquors (SA)


Herbs, Spices and Condiments

(G) Glutamate (MSG)

Gravies (SAG)

Hydrolysed vegetable

Pastes (fish, meat, tomato) (SAG)

protein (AG)

Meat extract (AG)

Sauces (all) (SAG)

Soy paste (AG)

Soy sauce (AG)

Stock cubes (SAG)

Tandoori (SA)

Vinegar (cider, red &white wine) (SA)

Cereals, grain & flour

Corn cereals (S)

Cornmeal (S)

Breakfast cereals with honey (S)

Breakfast cereals with coca (A)

Breakfast with Fruit, nuts and coconut (SA)


Coconut oil (SA)

Copha (SA)

Olive oil (SA)

Sesame oil (SA)

Walnut oil (SA)

Food Eczema sufferers should choose.

Day 80

Food that has low or no content of Salicylates and Amines


Bamboo shoots

Brussels sprouts





Dried beans

Dried peas




Mungbean sprouts


Potato (white peeled)

Red cabbage


Swede (rutabaga)



Sweet potato

Butternut squash



Pear (ripe and peeled) is the best choice

Apple (golden and red


Custard apple








Chicken (no skin)

Fish (fresh, white






Fresh cheese (eg, ricotta)


Unflavoured whole milk yogurt

Herbs and Spices



Parsley (as garnish)

Poppy seeds


Spring onion


Nuts and crisps


Plain potato crisps

Corn crisps


Do not drink coffee unless decaffeinated and for alcoholic drinks, Vodka, Gin and Whisky.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Amines; intolerance or allergy


Amines are chemicals that occur naturally in many foods when the break down of proteins accurse or through the fermentation process. When digested foods high in amines, the histamine it contains is metabolized by enzymes and bacteria which are quickly absorbed in the gut. People who are sensitive, an allergy-type of responses will result through the widening of the blood vessels and tissue inflammation.

These chemicals are responsible for giving the food its flavour. The more intense the flavour, the higher the amine content, the more so  a fruit ripens. The highest amounts can be found in aged cheeses, chocolate, wine and many alcoholic beverages, aged meats such as sausage also banana, avocado, and tomato, salami, canned or smoked fish. For those who think they may be sensitive should only consume the freshest produce, meats and fish.

The most common symptoms experienced by those sensitive to amines are recurrent eczema and hives, fatigue, headaches, nausea, stomach pains, joint pain, migraines, sinus trouble and the frequently feeling of being rundown and tired for no apparent reason. Children can become irritable, restless and exhibit symptoms related to ADHD. If a breast feeding mother is taking in excessive amounts of amines the babies can exhibit colic, diaper rash, loose stools and eczema.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Sallicyate sensitivity and eczema,


Sallicyate sensitivity, also known as salicylate intolerance, is any adverse condition experienced when a normal amount of salicylate is introduced into a diet and there is adverse affect. Salicylates are derivatives of salicylic acid that accrue in plants and serve them as a natural immune hormone and a preservative and aids them against diseases, harmful bacteria and fungi infestation. Salicylates can be both synthetic and natural they can be present in medications, perfumes and preservatives. For those who find them selves intolerant even a small dose can cause an adverse reaction. The sensitivity is a pharmacological reaction and not an allergy, the symptoms can be hives or rashes, stomach pain/upset stomach, asthma and other breathing difficulties a persistent cough, hyperactivity and memory loss plus depression. It is very difficult to eliminate salicylate from ones diet completely. Peeling the skin from fruit is helpful but the diet I am on and recommend is free of many sources of this acid. I will list the foods to avoid in future blogs.

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 The Pass Byron Bay

Thursday, 21 February 2013

A new gallery of my paintings and prints


I have not been good in more ways than one. I have had to put up with a sore bruised hip from falling while trying to push start my motor bike, I have been straying from my diet and not eating well and it shows with the eczema rash spreading to my face for some reason and i have not been doing yoga either. I am having some of my paintings reproduced as prints which will be for sale for sale when i know the cost involved in their production. This is the first more images will follow in future blogs

Beach scene Byron Bay

Beach scene Byron Bay

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Chlorophyll is the ideal food for healing.

Day 72

Sprouted greens are rich in chlorophyll which build the body cells, cleanses and heals. It can reduce blood pressure and aids the heart blood regulating pressure it also banishes anaemic conditions, clears the digestive track helping to move the food along in the digestive process. It can also smooth out arthritic conditions. In general a diet that includes chlorophyll will lead to better health and a happier mental out look on life.

All living things on this planet rely on solar energy to maintain life and grow, plants capture this energy and combine it with the riches of the earth, the minerals,, air and water which enables the bloodstream to receive the necessary elements for cleansing and building. Chlorophyll is the ideal food for healing.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

A little bit of advice for eczema sufferers

Day 72

My thoughts on eczema after suffering the effects of the rash and the horrible itch for many years are that it cannot be successfully treated by ointments alone. It is the result of some internal unbalance in the immune system and it can also be exacerbated by nerves, worry, insecurity etc. This becomes a vicious cycle as one feels bad in their own skin, unattractive and not at all sexy with horrible rashes, scabs, and oozing sores. How to break this cycle and become normal again seems to be impossible. I have found some success by instead of hiding away and being miserable I have in the last twelve months gone out and helped others who are less fortunate and there are always people who are doing it harder than you. Try to get out in nature as much as possible and enjoy life mix with people and have fun. Eat healthy food and stay away from things that you know from experience do you harm.


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Friday, 15 February 2013

How to sprout according to Dr Ann Wigmore

Day 71

How sprout according to Dr Ann Wigmore

Almost any seed grain or legume can be sprouted, although some are tastier than others. Try them all! Seeds can be found in almost natural foods stores. Be sure that the seeds or grains have not been chemically treated. If they have been germination rate will drop. Broken and chipped seeds also will not sprout. One ounce of dry seed equals one cup of mature sprouts.


A wide-mouth jar, such as a mason jar

Cheese cloth or wire mesh to cover the mouth, and

a rubber band or string to secure the mesh

The seeds or beans you wish to sprout. Make sure the jar has enough

room for the seeds to expand 8 times their present size. For example,3 table spoons od alfalfa will fill a quart jar.


Put seeds in jar and cover with mesh or cheesecloth, then secure with rubber band.

Wash seed by rinsing several times. Then fill up jar halfway with

lukewarm, preferably spring water. See chart for exact soaking times.

Set jar in a dark warm cupboard or shelf.


After the seeds have been soaked, drain off the water; save for soup stock.

Rinse sprouts with fresh water, pour off. Now let sprouts rest by tilting jar

Upside down, at 45 degree angle, making sure that the mesh opening allows

Air in and isn’t completely covered by sprouts. A dish rack is useful for this.


Rinse and drain well 2 or 3 times a day for 3 days. Use lukewarm water.

Be sure the sprouts are sufficiently and continually drained as too much

water and too little air will lead to molding and spoilage. Rinsing is basically

making sure sprouts are kept moist. See chart for more exact timing.

That’s all there is to it; Alfalfa sprouts need to be set in the sun after

5 days so they can start to manufacture chlorophyll. Remember that the time

it takes for sprouts to mature will vary—it depends on the temperature and

humidity. Shorten soaking times for hotter, more humid weather, rinse the sprouts more frequently to keep them cool. Sprouts are most tender when young, and they refrigerate well. They will keep for several days.

SEED                      SOAK       RINSE           READY IN

                                (hours)    (times a day)   (days)

ADUKI………………. 8-12 …… 3 …………… 3-5

ALFALFA …………... 5-8 …….. 2-3 …………. 5-6

CHICK PEAS ……… 8-15 …… 4 …………… 3-4

(Garbanzo Beans)

CORN ……………… 8-15 …… 3 ……………. 2-3

FAVA BEANS* ……. 8-12 ……. 3 ……………. 3-4

FENUGREEK ……... 6-8 ……... 3 …………… . 3-4

LENTILS ………….. 8-12 ……. 3 ……………. 2-3

MILLET …………… 5-8 ……… 3 ……………. 3-4

MUNG …………….. 8-12 ……. 4 …………… . 5-6

OATS ……………… 5-8 …….. 2 ……………. 3-4

PEAS ……………… 8-15 …….. . 2 ………….... . 3-5

RADISH ………….. 5-8 …….. . 2 …………… . 3-5

RED CLOVER ……. 5-8 ……. . 4 …………… 5-7

RYE ………………. 8-12 ……. 3 ………….... 2-3

SOYBEANS ……… 15-24 …... 4 ……………. 3-4

SUNFLOWER SEEDS 8 ………. 2 ……………. 24 hours

WHEAT …………… 8-15 ……. 2 ……………. 2-3

*and any bean: black, white, haricot, kidney, navy, pinto, red, etc.

grain sprouts are ready when the root is the length of the seed.


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Thursday, 14 February 2013

My return to complete health.

Day 70

I spent the day resting and recovering from a sore hip, it rained the night before and my old bike was out in the wet so the next morning we tried every thing to get it started but to no avail. While attempting to push start it I fell and hurt my hip which has been quite painful all day today so I missed yoga this evening. Although the food at the blockade was plentiful it was not what I have been eating latterly, it was still good, with a lot of fruit available and my skin did not suffer in fact it has improved a little, I also have a tan so I have been exposed to vitamin D. Now I am back home I will continue with wheat grass sprouting and other sprouts on my journey of discovery and my return to complete health.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Positive action at Doubtful Creek

Day 69

I have had a few very interesting days already this week. My mate and I set off on our motor bikes for a trip riding and camping but first I suggested that we visit the people blockading the Coal Seam Gas drilling site at Doubtful Creek just west of Lismore. We stayed there instead of going any further. The second day saw action when the drilling rig and tanker trucks were held up at the gates for eight hours while the police rescue tried to extract a man who had buried his arm into the road up to his shoulder into the road base. His arm was locked into as steel pipe and concreted into the ground. It was an effective action as it took almost eight hours before the trucks could pass.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Back to basics, wheat sprouting for a healthy healing diet

Day 62

Last night I rang an old friend who is a clairvoyant and she said that she was getting message that I should return to writing about wheat grass to rid myself of eczema,. I now realize that I have been a bit distracted with self improvement of the spiritual instead of writing about, healthy healing diet. I must admit that coming up with something different and interesting every day is a challenge, and I was also let along those divergent ways by interesting leads. They have been helpful for me and I hope you have found them to be of interest as well. I am going away again for a few days next week for a trip on my motor bike and so will not be able to care for the wheat sprouting or writing blogs, but will start anew when I get back.


Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Invoking the light

Day 62

I have begun to read the book “Invoking the light” by C. F. Reynolds, by all accounts an Australian author, she firsts describes in her book how her spiritual journey began. It was while walking through the rain forest at Mossman Gorge in far north Queensland which is aboriginal land when a vision of colours formed before her eyes, a circular image containing a cross. Then while in Germany at the Notre-dame Cathedral the circular image appeared once more, then even more striking images began to appear. As an antidote to increasing negative experiences she began to recite an affirmation that transformed her consciousness and provided a spiritual quantum leap onto a powerful and accelerated path to illumination. She says, “that the light is love and truth in its purist form- when invoked it will protect and empower you always. In any case, “Invoking the light is flexible assisting you throughout your Journey of Light, from the most practical to the highest way, leading to the ultimate state of human enlightenment.”

Of course what I have written above dose not do justice to the many pages of her writing but I hope gives you some idea of what the book is about. I will write for you as I read more.


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A busy social life and wellbeing.

Day 61

Tonight I will write about how I am doing emotionally. One thing that is heartening and gives me encouragement is how people I meet again tell me how well I look and one commented that I am a lot sparker now. I am also enjoying a much more satisfactory social life compared to what I was like a year ago, when I was stuck at home feeling sick and sorry for myself. I spent the weekend with family which is very good for the soul, to be with loving people who you gave life too and their offspring who are lively and gay. Tuesday I go to a class where I am learning salsa dance, tonight, Wednesday, I did soul and gospel choir practice, tomorrow morning I work in the soup kitchen at the Winsome and then I am going to a blockade at a, gas fracking mining site in the afternoon, then yoga that night, Friday morning at the soup kitchen, Saturday yoga and brunch with the girls, then maybe a motor bike ride to the beach with mates over the weekend. I am sure that this busy social life is as a good benefit for my health as the diet. Although i still have Eczema on most parts of my body it is not very itchy which is a great relief as it has driven me mad over the years, and my skin is looking a lot better too.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Spirit guide drawings, i think i will give them a go again.

I have just done a word count and I now have written 18972 words so far for my blog. Over the weekend I was talking with my son who was at Mary Farm at the time I was doing the spirit guide drawings. He affirmed that they were good and it was a good thing that I was doing, he also suggested that I do them at the local craft and boot markets. On the bus coming back home I was reading Eckhart Tolle and I was once again inspired, so I think I will give it a go. Today I brought a jar of sauerkraut that was made in Poland the only ingredients are white cabbage and salt, but I still want to try making my own from my own home grown cabbages.


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A great weekend enjoyed by all


Day 59

Hi folks I am back. It was a great weekend catching up with family and partying all weekend. I was not able to contribute to the blog every day even though I thought I had organised my phone with Google to send it text and photos while I was away, I forgot one important factor, my mobile phone supplier has a reputation of having very limited range. I will not name names but it starts with an V. The trip home was almost twelve hours by bus and train but I had Eckhart Tolle to read so it was time well spent.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Beneficial and tasty, fermented food.


Day 56

Some of us may turn up our noses when sauerkraut is mentioned or the thought of fermented food. But some of the most popular delicacies are of this category, such as olives, pickles, wine, and cheese. These are ancient preparation and preservation methods that are both tasty and beneficial. Through the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins by microorganisms such as yeasts and moulds the results can be quite delicious. Promote the growth of friendly intestinal bacteria, aiding digestion and supporting immune function, create digestive enzymes, lactose and lactic acid. Increase B vitamin, plus vitamin B 12, and omega-3 fatty acids. add other immune chemicals that can fight off harmful bacteria and even cancer cells. Avoid processed so called packaged fermented foods as some may contain too much salt, sugar, added lactic acid, sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate and may have been pasteurized. I will be recommending more recopies from Dr Ann Wigmore including the drink “Rejuvelac” and sauerkraut.


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