Wednesday 6 February 2013

Invoking the light

Day 62

I have begun to read the book “Invoking the light” by C. F. Reynolds, by all accounts an Australian author, she firsts describes in her book how her spiritual journey began. It was while walking through the rain forest at Mossman Gorge in far north Queensland which is aboriginal land when a vision of colours formed before her eyes, a circular image containing a cross. Then while in Germany at the Notre-dame Cathedral the circular image appeared once more, then even more striking images began to appear. As an antidote to increasing negative experiences she began to recite an affirmation that transformed her consciousness and provided a spiritual quantum leap onto a powerful and accelerated path to illumination. She says, “that the light is love and truth in its purist form- when invoked it will protect and empower you always. In any case, “Invoking the light is flexible assisting you throughout your Journey of Light, from the most practical to the highest way, leading to the ultimate state of human enlightenment.”

Of course what I have written above dose not do justice to the many pages of her writing but I hope gives you some idea of what the book is about. I will write for you as I read more.


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