Saturday 23 February 2013

Amines; intolerance or allergy


Amines are chemicals that occur naturally in many foods when the break down of proteins accurse or through the fermentation process. When digested foods high in amines, the histamine it contains is metabolized by enzymes and bacteria which are quickly absorbed in the gut. People who are sensitive, an allergy-type of responses will result through the widening of the blood vessels and tissue inflammation.

These chemicals are responsible for giving the food its flavour. The more intense the flavour, the higher the amine content, the more so  a fruit ripens. The highest amounts can be found in aged cheeses, chocolate, wine and many alcoholic beverages, aged meats such as sausage also banana, avocado, and tomato, salami, canned or smoked fish. For those who think they may be sensitive should only consume the freshest produce, meats and fish.

The most common symptoms experienced by those sensitive to amines are recurrent eczema and hives, fatigue, headaches, nausea, stomach pains, joint pain, migraines, sinus trouble and the frequently feeling of being rundown and tired for no apparent reason. Children can become irritable, restless and exhibit symptoms related to ADHD. If a breast feeding mother is taking in excessive amounts of amines the babies can exhibit colic, diaper rash, loose stools and eczema.

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