Sunday 27 January 2013

Spirit guides and fairies do they exist?

Day 50

The earliest conversation I can remember as a little boy was with a playmate who declared that he believed in fairies, I laughed in his face and told him there was no such thing. I remember this conversation to this day as ever since I have felt bad about putting him down about his innocent belief. Now I am wiser and think of the fact of our own existence and the wonder of that existence, our world, nature and all that is in the universe and it is truly mind boggling and beyond our feeble consciences to even begin to understand, so I think any thing is possible. Years later a very popular book appeared called “The Findhorn Garden” that impresses me that there was such things as nature spirits and devas. The story is of a couple Eileen and Peter Caddy their three sons and friend Dorothy Maclean who find them selves in dire sates living in a thirty foot caravan on a inhospitable, windswept and barren sand dunes in the far north east of Scotland. Around the caravan on a small plot of poor soil they grew the most amazing garden of vibrant flowers vegetables and fruit that grew to an enormous size. With absolute faith in the art of manifestation and the guidance of god they were able to create a wonderful garden in this of all inhospitable places. They discovered how to contact and co-operate with nature spirits to make this seemingly impossible thing happen. This story impressed me and I believed in it. Years later I was to meet a woman who was a clairvoyant and a spiritualist who informed me that I also was gifted and as an artist I would be able to help people to contact their spirit guides. Shortly after this I found myself in far North Queensland on a property, a healing farm, called Mary Farm. The young people I met there were caring for the owner of the property a young man who was incapacitated with spinal injuries. It was there as it happens that I was first introduced to fresh living food, seed and nuts as a healing diet but at the time was not impressed. It was at the farm that I practiced spirit drawings. I did a deal that if I could practice portrait drawing I would also help them to contact their spirit guides. Now to tell you the truth I did not fully believe in what I was producing was genuine but they did and I had many pretty girls who thought I was and prepared to pose for me, I thought that it was a bit of a scam, but I had them lining up and they thought the drawings were great even though the portraits were a bit iffy. I am not sure if I was channelling,  How I proceeded was to get the subject to imagine a protective golden light field about them and then suggest they imagine a place a safe place in their mind and then see a figure, their spirit guide. I would start the drawing by choosing a colour for the eyes first and then just like automatic writing draw a celestial portrait, with swirling colours around the head. One young man I did a drawing for insisted that he had more than one spirit guide so I did another for him and he said that it was right on but there was another, by this time I was a bit fed up and so just stabbed the page with a dot and drew squiggly lines radiating out like lightning bolts and yellow light streaming out and said that this was a high energy one. A look of amazement and he said that was right, that’s exactly what it was like for him. I still don’t know about the drawings (it would have been a great scam to make money and pull hippy chicks though) I do think that I have a spirit guide, angle or whatever. I am on a path of discovery with this blog and I have I am now sure having some help. There is some one close to me who has Parkinson Disease and like I have mentioned I was looking for web pages on light and healing when out of the blue and out of the millions of pages out there on the world wide web, popped a page that was directly and absolutely connected with Parkinson Disease and the healing diet that I am on and writing about. Then today I finished reading the book “A million little pieces” by James Frey, (a must read for any one with addiction) and in it he describes how a little book of the teaching of TAO helped him in recovery. I went to the library today and in the book was a library slip from a previous borrower and amongst the nine titles listed was a book titled, “Invoking the light” I have just checked it out on the web and it looks like it is also relevant to what I was looking for a few days ago. I will also borrow that title from the library and let you know.

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