Day 47
The wonderful healing benefits of sunshine have been known for many centuries in all cultures around the world, they have worshiped the therapeutic qualities of the sun. Wise ancient scholars who’s records thousands of years old, tell of the how the sun was used to strengthen a person’s health and treat a variety of illnesses. The same conditions that are still a concern for us today such as retaining strong muscles, maintaining an ideal weight and a strong heart, asthma. What they did not know then, not having the science is the very serious health risks of vitamin D deficiency
We have evolved to thrive under the light put forth by our sun. We can potentially harm ourselves if we hide from sunlight. Light is the basic component from which all life originates, everything that humans do is affected in some way by light. But too much of a good thing can also harm. In recent years we've all been trained to fear the sun, due to the threat of skin cancer. There is now a growing belief that exposure to the sun may not actually cause skin cancer to a healthy individual. The fear of skin cancer shouldn't keep you indoors all the time as you can reap the sun's healthy benefits with as little as 20 minutes of exposure a day. You can also benefit from a spiritual form light through meditation
Prior to yoga it is usual to meditate on the breath even if you do not intend to practice yoga it is still an excellent healing thing to do for the body and mind
Resting on your back with your neck long, (a small towel folded behind the neck is a good idea) with your arms by your side and slightly out from your body. Your hands open and facing up, place your second finger tips together with your thumbs, relax your whole body. Go up relaxing from your legs through to your shoulders, arms, neck and face. Slightly open the teeth and mouth place the tip of your tongue to rest against the back of your top teeth, breathe. Feel the cool fresh air passing through your nostrils all the way down to below your navel then fill up your chest, a long deep breath to the count of four. Follow the air with your mind to just before the lungs are at their full capacity say soooo in your mind, hold the breath for the count of one and exhale slowly to the count of four, empting the lungs completely and in your mind say hummmm again stop for the count of one, this is the exhaust from your lungs and imagine it as such. The in breath is pure and life giving. I know that this is a lot of instruction to take in but there is one more important healing thing to do and that is to imagine in your minds eye with the life giving incoming air that there is also light, try to see/imagine this in your minds eye. At first this light may be a bit illusive but keep trying and if it is only a glimmer keep trying till it floods the closed eyes with light. The mind is a chatterbox as any of you who have ever tried meditating know, so acknowledge the thought and bring your mind back to the breath etc. Peace and light be with you.
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