Monday, 28 January 2013

Tao means simply the way


The Way

Tao means the way with no goal. Simply the way. It was courageous of Lao Tuz, twenty-five centuries ago, to tell people that there is no goal and we are not going anywhere. We are just going to be there, so make the time as beautiful, as loving, as joyous as possible. He called his philosophy Tao, and Tao simply means the way.

Many ask him, “Why have you chosen the name Tao? Because you don’t have many goals in your philosophy” he said “Specifically for that reason I have chosen to call it the Way; so that nobody forgets that there is no goal, there is only the way”

The way is beautiful; the way is full of flowers. And the Way becomes more and more beautiful as your consciousness becomes higher. The moment you have reached the peak, every thing becomes so sweet, so ecstatic, that you suddenly realize that this place; this is home you were unnecessarily running here and there.

So cancel all tickets you have booked! There is nowhere to go. .

Quoted from: Tao its history and teachings. by Osho.

If there is beauty, there is ugliness. If there is good there is bad. Being and nonbeing and difficult and easy and high and low and long and short and after need, depend, create and define each other. Those who live with the Tao act without doing and teach without saying. They let things come and they let things go and they live without possession and they live without expectation. They do not need, depend, create or defile. They do not see beauty or ugliness or good or bad. There just is. Just be.


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