Tuesday 15 January 2013

Update on eczema

Follow in my footsteps as I undertake an ongoing experiment to recover completely from eczema, gut problems and an aching body. I intend to achieve this by not eating anything that is processed, transported over distance, killed, frozen or packaged, (known as dead food). What I am attempting is well proven methodology based on ancient wisdom of the Essenes and Edmond Bordeaux Szekely who successfully cured many hundreds of people of their sickness and disease, plus the wonderful work of Dr Ann Wigmore. I intend to remain fit healthy into old age by practicing yoga and exercising, eating only healthy organic food, fruit, vegetables, nuts, and grain, plus seed sprouts. Doing this I will also save money and leave a light footprint

Day 39

My stomach has settled down and I am sleeping well and I now have only to get up once each night to go to the toilet. The eczema is still around but it is only occasionally itchy, which is a great relief for me as it has been driving me crazy for such along time now. Foe those of you that have this rotten skin condition will I'm sure identify what a God send this would be to ones quality of life. No more dry flocky red scabby skin, no blood on the sheets in the morning etc.

I am still trying to grow sprouts, the wheat grass is growing a bit thin, but I have now a quantity of sprouts for my salad. It was very hot in Lismore on the weekend into the mid forties on Sunday I was told, I was on the coast near the beach on Sunday and enjoyed a cool sea breeze.


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